Friday, February 21

My CCIE - Voice

I am Voice Engineer by profession working in the Multinational company. Done lot of Certifications in Cisco & others Technology. Recently, I failed my first CCIE-Voice lab Exam.(Said to be among one of the most difficult exam of Cisco ) I took the test on Feb 11, 2014. Just 3 days before the new Cisco Collaboration Exam comes into picture. Before the test I was getting mix emotions which almost filled my mind and emotions, I don’t know if I was ready until I passed the test. I believe I did everything which I could to prepare for the test. Studying 10-13 hours every weekend and 8 hours Monday to Friday. For last 1 month as I have taken leave from office. My Boss was so kind with me on this.But before that I was studying 4~5 hours weekdays. 
It would've been really Excellent to pass but at the same time, I didn't want to get my hopes up just to get crushed. Either ways, the date was set.

I reached one day earlier in Bangalore & reached hotel with mixed mode of excitement & tension . I went to bed early around 10 PM & I wake up every hour thinking that I am late for the test. Finally, I woke up around 5:30 AM, took shower, ate breakfast and went to the testing Center. I don’t remember what time I reach there, after asking I came to know I reached 49 mins earlier. I have every thought in my mind for the preparation,friends saying, My Boss Words & pressure, I accept I was quite nervous that time!

I met few guys on the Center:-

1st guy going for CCIE voice – 3rd attempt
2nd guy going for CCIE voice – 3rd attempt from Cisco
3rd guy going for CCIE R& S – 1st attempt
4th guy going for CCIE Voice – I myself

For remaining, I was not able to talk as they were not interested. One Guy said he came from middle east,another guy was from Africa(I assume).

A proctor came out and told us the Rules.

1. Food was lying the refrigerator.
2. You can bring drinks.
3. No talks about the test/Paper.
4. Turn off your cell and leave it in the small boxes.You can turn on after the test.

Also, the room has multiple cameras in all direction and Lot Of Microphones hanging at the ceiling to make sure we don’t cheat. I was quite nervous when I started the Lab & my hand where shaking but after seeing I got Lab-5, I overcome & I was back in myself soon. 

In Lunch time and we have to follow the Proctor. He didn’t want anybody to separate while eating. I guess because he didn’t want anybody to talk about the test.

After Lunch,we went back to the System. Continue with the configurations for 4 hrs, later on I starting doing test. I am quite satisfied with myself, I come out of Center and started waiting for the result but in the night at 2:56 AM I got the “Marksheet" I Failed I think nothing is impossible. I was shocked with tears in my eyes, Yes, tears. I’m not afraid to take the test again. It’s just a matter of money.  Now who cares about money right? It about hard work and luck in which I failed.
I first thought in my mind was is this because of the Bangalore’s Proctor, the stories I read & was told by many…. "NO" .. I am not the person who blames other for their own Un-Success & look for gateway to escape.

Total money gone from my OWN POCKET was $3,300+ = hotel cost, work time off, food, Flight tickets, Gas (From home to office then office to Institute & back to home for 3 months), Coaching & Lab fee.
Again,I am back to study. I will never stop trying. I plan to re-take the test in next 6 months for Cisco collaboration Lab.

So what did I learn?

1. You will lose every ego you have after failing. I believe Cisco created this  test to make sure I failed.

2.  As  you never know that you are ready or not until you take the test. I  don’t care how much I need to study to get the results.

3.  I want it now even more after I failed. As It takes a lot of sacrifice to  pass. Only the people that studied/attempted/failed/passed could  understand my saying.

4.  Balls of Steel. It takes balls of steel to pay $1500 per test, pay hotel fees, travel, study hundreds of hours, attempt and hope for the best. It doesn't stop from there. It takes balls of titanium to attempt it again after failing.

5. Calm down! It’s hard to do that when taking a test. Nervousness will affect your typing skills and thinking power.

Now, my mentality is I am going to attempt again until I passed.  I don’t care how much money I spend. The goal is to pass and get that number.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All the best Shimir for your next attempt. I am sure with all the hard work you are putting you will be able to crack CCIE this time.

Just be yourself and try your best.

My CCIE#53599

My journey started in 2013 when I decided for a CCIE in voice. One never really knows what they are in for when starting down this r...