Monday, October 13

Cisco Emergency Responder


After installation of the Cisco Emergency Responder (E911), the configuration is a little confusing if you haven't done it in a while or if it is your first time. Not many states require E911 capabilities and it is an extra cost that you must enable with your provider.

  1. Enable SNMP - E911 uses SNMP to utilize CDR to discover IP phones that are connected
    1. Enable SNMP on the switch
      1. "snmp-server community <SNMP-String> RO"
      2. Make the SNMP String something more cryptic than just "public"
      3. RO stands for Read Only
    2. Enable SNMP on CUCM 
      1. In the top-right corner, under Navigation, select "Cisco Unified Serviceability" and click Go
      2. Select SNMP V1/V2c > Community String and click "Add New"
      3. Enter the community string that you created on the switch and select "Accept SNMP Packets from any host"
      4. For Access Privileges select "ReadOnly", checkmark "Apply To All Nodes" and click Save.
    3. Enable SNMP on E911
      1. In CER Administration select Phone Tracking > SNMP Settings
      2. Add New SNMP entries for CUCM and the switches
        1. *.*.*.* is a valid catchall statement
    1. Configure Phone Tracking
      1. In E911 select Phone Tracking > LAN Switch Details
        1. Enter the Switch IP or Host Name, Description and click Insert
        2. Do this for each switch in your network containing IP Phones
      1.  Add CUCM nodes to E911
        1. Add an Application User in CUCM
          1. In CUCM Administration, select User Management > Application User and click on "Add New"
          2. Create a new user called "CER_User"
          3. Assign the Permissions: Standard CCM End Users, Standard CTI Allow Calling Number Modification, and Standard CTI Enabled
        2. Add the same Application User in E911
          1. In E911 Administration, select Phone Tracking > Cisco Unified Communications Manager Clusters
          2. Add New cluster and enter the CUCM IP address, CER_User with password, and the BackUp CTI Manager(s) which are your CUCM Subscribers
        1. Create a CTI Route Point - Used to communicate between CUCM and E911
          1. In CUCM Administration go to Device > CTI Route Point and click Add New
          2. Create a RP911 Route Point with no Calling Search Space (we will add this later)
          3. Add a DN for RP911. This DN will be "911" for users to dial. Place this 911 DN in the E911 Partition.
            1. The E911-PT should be at the TOP of all CSS lists so that phones will match this first.
            2. Leave the CSS blank for now and we'll add it later
          1. Import IP Phone Information into E911
            1. In E911 Administration go to Phone Tracking > Run Switch-Port & Phone Update
            2. IP Phones will show up under ERL Membership > Switch Ports

            3. In E911 select System > Cisco ER Group Settings

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