Configuration Choices for Cisco CallManager 4.x onwards
This section explains how to associate a single DN# to a group of destinations using Cisco CallManager 4.3. There are three ways to accomplish this:
Group Dialed Number
In this procedure, assign a separate DN# (which is shared by the group) to a second line appearance on each group member's phone.
This solution works for the initial call. When a call to a group DN# is answered, the group line lamp is lit on all phones associated with the group DN#. If a different caller tries to dial the group DN# while the group call is in effect, the caller receives a busy signal, or is forwarded to voicemail.
Assume that you have three IP phones registered with the Cisco CallManager:
- Phone A with Primary Line appearance 2001
- Phone B with Primary Line appearance 2002
- Phone C with Primary Line appearance 2003
Assign the shared number 2000 to the secondary line of the IP phones A, B and C.
Complete these steps to add a shared directory number to a specific phone. Refer to Directory Number Configuration Settings for more information.
- Choose Device > Phone from the main Cisco CallManager menu to display the Find and List Phones window.
- Click Find.
A list of phones displays. Click the device name to which you want to add a shared directory number. For example, click onPhone A (DN# 2001).
- In the Phone Configuration window, Directory Numbers list is displayed. Click on Line 2 - Add new DN.
- When the Directory Number Configuration window displays, enter the Directory Number as 2000 (shared DN#).
If you set Ring Setting (Phone Active)** as Ring, all phones ring when an incoming call is received. You can also set the option Forward Busy to voicemail. By doing so, if a caller tries to dial 2000 while the group call is in effect, the call is forwarded to voicemail.
- Click Insert.
- When the message displays stating that the directory number 2000 has been added to the database, click OK.
- Click Back to Find/List Phones.
- Click the next device name to which you want to add a directory number.
For example, click on Phone B (DN# 2002) and repeat steps 3 through 6 for Phone B. Once you are completed with Phone B, repeat these steps for Phone C (DN# 2003). - For the changes to take effect, select all the phones and click Reset Selected from the Back to Find/List Phones page.
With these configurations, if a caller tries to dial the group DN# 2000, all the phones ring at the same time. When a call to group DN# 2000 is answered, the group line lamp is lit on all phones associated with the group DN# 2000. If the caller tries to dial the group DN# 2000 while the group call is in effect, the caller receives a busy signal, or is forwarded to voicemail, based on the configuration. In this case, the call is forwarded to the voicemail.
Hunt Groups
Set up a series of phones that forward no answer or forward busy to the next phone in the group to create a Hunt Group.
In this situation, all phones do not ring at one time. A Hunt Group is a group of lines that are organized hierarchically, so that if the first number in the Hunt Group list is busy, the second number is dialed. If the second number is busy, the next number is dialed, and so on. This example illustrates the process.
Assume you have Pilot DN# with a number of 2000, and a Hunt Group defined with a list of phones similar to this:
- Phone A has extension 2000.
- Phone B has extension 2001.
- Phone C has extension 2002.
Configure the DN for 2000 on Phone A to forward on a busy or a no answer condition to Phone B's extension 2001.
Configure the DN for 2001 on Phone B to forward on a busy or a no answer condition to Phone C's extension 2002.
With the assumption that Phones A, B, and C are already registered with the Cisco CallManager and have the directory numbers 2000, 2001, and 2002 assigned respectively, complete these steps to create the Hunt Group.
Complete these steps to configure the DN for 2000 on Phone A to forward on a busy or a no answer condition to Phone B's extension 2001:
- In the Find and List Phones window, click on Phone A ( DN 2000)and then click on Line 1 - 2000 (no Partition) in the Phone Configuration window.
- Configure the Forward Busy destination as 2001 in the Directory Number Configuration window and click on Update. Then click OK when the message for resetting the device appears.
- Click Reset Devices for the changes to take effect.
A message indicates that you are about to reset the devices with the directory number 2000. Click OK to reset the devices, or click Cancel to cancel the process. - Repeat the steps 1 through 3 for Phone B. In step 2, set the Call forward Busy Destination as 2002 instead of 2001.
With the information configured above, this process should occur in order to place a group call.
- Call #1: to DN# 2000—This call is routed to Cisco CallManager. Cisco CallManager rings Phone A, and Phone A is answered.
- Call #2: to DN# 2000—This call finds Phone A is busy. Cisco CallManager rings Phone B, and Phone B is answered.
- Call #3: to DN# 2000—This call finds both Phones A and B are busy. Cisco CallManager rings Phone C, and Phone C is answered.
Attendant Console
The third option, with Cisco CallManager 3.1(2c) and later, is to use Attendant Console to create a Hunt Group. Attendant Console allows you the flexibility to establish a Pilot Point for incoming calls and then distributes the incoming calls on a phone or line level amongst multiple attendants. For example, a caller places a direct call to a technical support group member, and if that member is not available, the call is forwarded to the pilot point number. You can choose to route the call to the first available Hunt Group member or to distribute the incoming call load among the Hunt Group members. Cisco CallManager Attendant Console can accept inbound calls, query the caller for destination information, and rapidly dispatch the call without operator intervention. Attendant Console does not have the functionality of monitoring which members are logged in the call group.
Note: Make sure that you already have Attendant Console installed on your PC.
In this example, a pilot point named Pilot is associated with the directory number 4000. The Hunt Group for this pilot point contains these members:
- Phone A: 2005
- Phone B: 2006
- Phone C: 2007
- Choose Service > Cisco CallManager Attendant Console.
- Note: For Cisco CallManager versions before to 3.3, choose Service > Cisco WebAttendant
- Enter the appropriate settings in the Pilot Point Configuration window. In this example, the name given for the Pilot Point isPilot. Pilot number 4000 Click Insert.
- Click Hunt Group Configuration.
The Hunt Group Configuration window displays, and the pilot points display in the pane on the left of the window.
- Click the pilot point for which you want to add Hunt Group members.
In this case, the pilot point is 4000. Click Add Member. The Hunt Group Members list initially displays the text <<Not Configured>>
- Decide whether the Hunt Group member that you want to add will be a directory number (device member) or a user and line number (user member).
Enter the appropriate configuration settings for the new Hunt Group member. If the Hunt Group member is a directory number, fill in only the Partition and Directory Number fields in the Device Member Information section. The optionalAlways Route Member check box only applies to directory numbers. If the Hunt Group member is a user and line number, fill in only the User Name and Line Number fields in the User Member Information section. . Add the Hunt Group Members 2005, 2006, and 2007 one by one. As you make selections, the Hunt Group Members list box reflects the information that you choose.
- Click Update to save the Hunt Group Member information
With this information configured, this process happens when the Attendant Console receives a call. When the call is received, the Attendant Console directs it to the Pilot Point (named Pilot) with the directory number 4000. Since 4000 is a pilot point and First Available Hunt Group Member is chosen as the call-routing option, the Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher (TCD) that is associated with the pilot point checks the members of the Hunt Group in order, beginning with 2005. Now, Cisco TCD routes the call to the first available directory number.
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