Wednesday, February 17

ShoreTel Sky Portal


ShoreTel Sky Portal is the permission-based, web-accessible user interface that enables administrators and users to access and manage the appropriate functional areas of their organization's ShoreTel Sky phone system (which is built on the Call Conductor platform).
  • For Authorized Contacts, the ShoreTel Sky Portal provides a single place to manage phones, features, settings, configurations, groups, permissions, locations, billing and more for your account and all of your users. You can also access business intelligence data to better manage service levels, staffing efficiency, and sales performance. Authorized Contacts have exclusive access to features in the Organization and Phone System menus, and shared access to features in the Team menu of the ShoreTel Sky Portal.
  • For Team Managers, the ShoreTel Sky Portal provides access to phone-based business intelligence data via detailed reports for all of the groups for which you are an owner. Team Managers (and Authorized Contacts) have access to features in the Team menu of the ShoreTel Sky Portal.
  • For individual Users, the ShoreTel Sky Portal enables updating personal information and managing settings for phone-related features including voicemail, call routing, line buttons, speed dials, call logs, contacts, and more. You can also view a personal homepage with graphs and statistics related to your phone usage. All users have access to their own personalized features in the Home menu of the ShoreTel Sky Portal.
To learn about the new and changed functionality introduced in the latest ShoreTel Sky Portal release, see the Current Release Notes for ShoreTel Sky Portalarticle (which also includes links to articles for previous releases).
To learn more about the many features and functional areas of the ShoreTel Sky Portal, please continue reading the information below.

Table of Contents

Accessing ShoreTel Sky Portal

To access the ShoreTel Sky Portal, go to and do the following:
  • Authorized Contacts - Log in with your email address and user password to access the OrganizationPhone SystemTeamHome, and Support menus.
  • Team Managers - Log in with your email address and user password to access the TeamHome, and Support menus.
  • Users - Log in with your phone number and voicemail password to access the Home and Support menus.
For more information about logging into the ShoreTel Sky Portal, see our ShoreTel Sky Portal Log In Screen article. For more information about passwords, see ourPassword Management article.
Note that most ShoreTel Sky Portal screens that display rows of data now utilize a tabular format which enables you to customize your view of data on the screen. You can drag columns to different locations, change column width, and right-click within the column headings area to make selections to show or hide any of the columns of data that are displayed in the grid. If you export data from a screen, all columns of data are exported whether the columns are shown or hidden. However, filtering with search criteria and/or selecting menu items to restrict the display of data on a screen will reduce the number of rows that are exported. Additionally, all tabular formatted screens also provide a new "Multiple values search" field. For instructions, see the Multiple Values Search article.

Organization (Authorized Contacts)

From the Organization menu (shown in the image below), Authorized Contacts can utilize various self-service screens for managing account settings, accessing billing-related information, and viewing usage reports. As a Phone Manager or Decision Maker, you can access the information, settings, and data that apply to you, the Team Managers you assign, and the users in your organization.
Organization Menu in ShoreTel Sky Portal
Decision Makers and Phone Managers can access all of the following features from the Organization menu, and other Authorized Contacts can access a subset of these features. For more information, see the Authorized Contacts article. The Organization section of this article includes the following topics:


  • Authorized Contacts - Provides a complete listing of all Authorized Contacts for an account. Authorized Contacts are trusted people, both inside and outside your organization, who manage your phone system. When you assign roles to an Authorized Contact, you specify their responsibilities and ShoreTel Sky Portal capabilities. For more information, see our Authorized Contacts article.
  • Groups - A "Group" is a customized grouping of members, which can include individual contacts (persons), phone numbers (profiles), and other groups. Groups provide members with access to functionality that may not be available to most users. The Groups screen enables Authorized Contacts to view, create, and manage all groups. Each group can have one or more designated Owners who become Team Managers who have access (along with Authorized Contacts) to the Team menu where business intelligence reports are accessible. Additionally, Decision Makers can enable partners to become Authorized Contacts (to perform actions on behalf of their account) from the Groups screen. For more information, see our Groups article.
  • User Activity Monitoring - Enables Authorized Contacts to review call flow changes and other significant user activity in the ShoreTel Sky Portal. For more information, see our User Activity Monitoring article.
  • Announcements - Provides a place to view important announcement messages for a limited period of time. For more information, see our Announcementsarticle.
  • Account Details - Enables Authorized Contacts to access important account information including instance (cluster), contacts, company facts, phone numbers, locations, and services. Additionally, Decision Makers and Billing Contacts can access billing information. For most Authorized Contacts, the Account Details screen is the first screen you will see when you log into the ShoreTel Sky Portal. For more information, see our Account Details article.
  • Customer Accounts - Enables only Referring Partners to review information related to all of the customer accounts they are enabled to access. For more information, see our Enable Partner article.


  • Invoices & Payments - The Invoices & Payments screen enables only Billing Contacts and Decision Makers to make payments online, and view invoices, detailed invoice reports, a billing history, and the current account balance for their account. For more information, see our Account Invoices article.
  • Services - The Services screen enables Decision Makers, Phone Managers, and Billing Contacts to view, search for, and optionally export data related to the services and service orders for their account. The available data includes services, orders, locations, phone numbers, user names, invoice groups, status, circuits, costs, and various dates. For more information, see our Services article.


  • Usage Log - The Usage Log screen enables Decision Makers, Phone Managers, and Billing Contacts to view, search for, and optionally export call detail records for all phones for their account. Usage logs contain date and time, calling and receiving phone numbers, direction of calls (inbound, outbound), duration, and more. For more information, see our Usage Log article.
  • Courtesy Usage - The Courtesy Usage screen enables Decision Makers, Phone Managers, and Billing Contacts to view, search for, and optionally export calling information for all courtesy profile phones for their account. For more information, see our Courtesy Usage article.
  • Fax Usage - The Fax Usage screen enables Decision Makers, Phone Managers, and Billing Contacts to view, search for, and optionally export usage data related to all users of their ShoreTel Sky Fax service. For more information, see our Fax Usage article.
  • Conference Usage - The Conference Usage screen enables Decision Makers, Phone Managers, and Billing Contacts to view, search for, and optionally export a monthly usage report for all users of their ShoreTel Sky (On Demand) Conferencing service. For more information, see our Conference Usage article.
  • Usage Without Services - The Usage Without Services screen enables Decision Makers, Phone Managers, and Billing Contacts to view, search for, and optionally export a report showing the call details associated with the outbound usage fees generated by the use of non-profile phone numbers for their account. For more information, see our Usage Without Services article.

Add-on Features

As an Authorized Contact, two of the Add-on Features that you are enabled to manage are displayed at the bottom of the Organization menu. For more information about all Add-on Features, see Add-on Features in the Phone System section below.

Phone System (Authorized Contacts)

From the Phone System menu (shown in the image below), Authorized Contacts can utilize various self-service screens for managing users, E911 data, locations, call flow settings, and Add-on Features. As a Phone Manager or Decision Maker, you can access the information, settings, and features that apply to you and all of the users in your organization. In the image below, note that "(ABC)indicates the instance (cluster) utilized by the account.
Phone System menu in the ShoreTel Sky Portal
The Phone System menu of the ShoreTel Sky Portal provides access to the following screens:
  • Users - A "user" is a combination of contact information and a phone profile. The Users screen enables Authorized Contacts to manage all users in their organization's account. This includes the ability to add new users and contacts, reset and unlock passwords, access and update personal contact information and phone profile settings, assign and manage Authorized Contact roles, and more. For more information, see our User Management article.
  • E911 Registration - The E911 Registration screen enables Decision Makers and Phone Managers to create and manage 911 emergency locations. By law, all phones must have E911 services, and all ShoreTel Sky phones must be registered with a valid, accurate E911 location address. For more information, see ourE911 article.
  • Phone Numbers - The Phone Numbers screen enables Decision Makers and Phone Managers to search for and optionally export data related to all of the phone numbers for all locations in their organization's account. For more information, see our Accessing Phone Numbers for Your Account article.
  • Geographic Locations - The Geographic Locations screen enables Decision Makers and Phone Managers to add new locations and view, search, and export data for all locations of an account. For more information, see our Geographic Locations article.
  • Call Flow Settings - The Call Flow Settings screen provides Decision Makers and Phone Managers with a detailed graphical view of their organization's custom call flow configurations. Interactive diagrams provide a visual representation showing how customer phone calls flow through a company to reach the desired people and departments. For Decision Makers and account-level Phone Managers, the Call Flow Settings screen effectively becomes the Call Flow Editor where they are enabled to create, edit, and manage call flow components for their organization. For more information, see our Call Flow Editor article.
  • Add-on Features - The Add-on Features screen provides self-service functionality which enables Decision Makers and Phone Managers to activate and manage Add-on Feature services including adding and removing users of each service. For more information, see our Add-on Features article or click the links below to view specific articles for the following services:
    • ShoreTel On Demand Conferencing - Enables the use of a dedicated conference bridge number that all participants can dial to access a conference call.
    • ShoreTel Sky Replay - Records phone calls and enables users to view, manage, listen to, and download phone call recordings.
    • ShoreTel Sky Scribe - Transcribes voicemail from your phone into text and sends it, along with a .WAV file, to the desired email address.
    • ShoreTel Sky Fax - An email-to-fax service used as a fax solution for the ShoreTel Sky phone system. This service enables users to receive incoming faxes in their email inbox and send outbound faxes as email attachments.
    • ShoreTel Sky Mobility - Enables the use of a single mobile device for both business and personal communications while accessing desk phone and Unified Communications capabilities.
    • ShoreTel Sky for Salesforce - Integrates your ShoreTel Sky phone system with the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application.
    • ShoreTel Sky for Bullhorn - Integrates your ShoreTel Sky phone system with the Bullhorn CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application.
In addition to Add-on Features, ShoreTel also offers a variety of services that enable computer and web-based applications to interact with the ShoreTel Sky phone system. To learn more, see our ShoreTel Sky Application Integration Solutions article or click the links below to view articles for the following specific services:
  • ShoreTel Sky AppDialer - Enables click-to-dial functionality from most desktop Windows applications including Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and Notepad.
  • ShoreTel Sky WebDialer - Enables click-to-dial functionality from the Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome browsers.

Team (Team Managers and Authorized Contacts)

From the Team menu (shown in the image below), Team Managers and Authorized Contacts can view Intelligence and Call Activity reports for all of the users who are members of the Groups that they manage. When a Decision Maker or Phone Manager creates a Group, they assign an Owner who becomes a Team Manager of that Group. For details about the Business Intelligence reporting available in the ShoreTel Sky Portal, see our ShoreTel Sky Portal BI Reporting article.
Team Menu in ShoreTel Sky Portal
The Team section of this article includes the following topics:


  • Live Answer and Live Answer by Group - Live Answer reports provide you with statistics to show the percentage of calls to your company that are being answered by a person versus going to voice mail or being abandoned. For more information, see our Live Answer article.
  • Talk Time and Talk Time by Group- Talk Time reports provide you with a single view showing the number of calls, total talk time, and average talk time for both inbound and outbound calls. For more information, see our Talk Time article.

Call Activity

For more information about any of the following Call Activity reports, see our Call Activity article.
  • Time on Phone - Summarizes inbound, outbound, and internal time on the phone by day of week.
  • Inbound Calls - Summarizes inbound call volume by date.
  • Outbound Calls - Summarizes outbound call volume by date.
  • Total Calls - Summarizes total inbound, outbound, and internal calls.


Add-on Features

  • Team Recordings - When you select ShoreTel Replay below Add-on Features in the Team menu, Team Managers and Authorized Contacts are enabled to access Team Recordings. Team Recordings enable you to view, manage, listen to, and download the call recordings of the Users who are members of the Groups for which you are an Owner (or Users from all Groups if you are an Authorized Contact). For more information, see our Team Recordings article

Home (Users)

When you first log into the ShoreTel Sky Portal, the Home screen is the default landing page for most users. The Home screen is divided into three panels, which provide useful functionality as described in the Home Screen article.
From the Home menu (shown in the image below), all users, including Authorized Contacts and Team Managers, can access a wide variety of screens and menu options for managing their own information, contacts, data, and the phone settings for their ShoreTel Sky phone.
Note: Depending on the functionality being accessed, users with multiple phone profiles should make sure the desired phone number is selected in the drop-down menu near the top of screens that are available from the Home menu.
Home Menu in ShoreTel Sky Portal
The Home section of this article includes the following topics:


  • Employee Directory - Provides a list of names and extensions at your company. Calls may be placed directly from this directory. For more information, see ourEmployee Directory article.
  • Personal Contacts - Serves as your own customizable personal phonebook that is viewable on your phone. Personal Contacts can contain listings for both internal and external contacts for your company. Calls may be placed directly from the this phonebook. For more information, see our Personal Contacts article.
  • Company Phonebook - Provides a list of external conacts for your company and is maintained by your Phone Manager. Calls may be placed directly from this phonebook. For more information, see our Company Phonebook article.


  • Voicemail Box - View, manage, and listen to your voicemails (and shared voicemails if you are enabled to access other voicemail boxes). For more information, see our Voicemail Box article.
  • Call Log - View and download phone usage details. Includes internal calls, the ability to filter by call direction and internal vs. external calls. For Missed Calls, you will see the CallerID name (CNAM) as the originating caller if there is no match against the Employee Directory, Personal Contacts, or Company Phonebook. For more information, see our Call Log article.
  • Missed Calls - View, search and export a history of missed calls. For more information, see our Missed Calls article.


This section includes the following topics:

Phone Settings

The Phone Settings screen provides access to a complete set of phone-related settings within multiple tabs, which are listed below. To learn more about all types of phone settings, see the Phone Profile Settings article, or use the specific article links listed below.
  • Phone tab - Manage the settings listed below.
    • Identification - For more information about the settings below, see our Phone Profile Identification article.
      • Station Label
      • Internal Caller ID (First Name, Last Name)
      • Outbound Caller ID (for Authorized Contacts only)
    • Privacy (for Authorized Contacts only)
    • Change Phone Password - See our Password Management article.
    • Time Settings - For more information about the settings below, see our Phone Profile Time Settings article.
      • Time Zone
      • Time Format
    • Features - For more information about the settings below, see our Phone Features Settings article.
      • Call Waiting Beep
      • Intercom Beep
      • Inbound Caller ID
      • On Phone Directory
  • Voicemail tab - Manage the settings listed below. For more information, see our Voicemail Management article.
    • Receiving voicemail messages - Voicemail greeting, voicemail notifications
    • Accessing voicemail on-phone - Visual or audible voicemail access, password or no password, message envelope information, message playback order, on screen voicemail alert.
    • Shared voicemail settings - Other voicemail boxes this phone number can access, other phone numbers that can access this voicemail box (managed by Decision Makers and account-level Phone Managers only)
  • Call Routing tab - Manage the settings listed below.
  • Line Buttons tab - Manage the line buttons features listed below. For more information see our Line Button Management article.
    • Speed Dials
    • Shared Lines (managed by Decision Makers and account-level Phone Managers only)
  • E911 tab - Manage emergency 911 locations. For more information, see our E911 article.
  • Time of Day tab (for Authorized Contacts only) - Manage Time of Day settings for your organization's call flow. For more information, see our Time of Day article.

Add-on Features

You may have access to view or manage settings for the following two Add-on Features if these services have been activated for you by an Authorized Contact:
Note: If an Authorized Contact for your account has activated any of the following services for you, use the links below to find instructions for using these services:
  • ShoreTel Sky Scribe - Transcribes users' voicemails from their ShoreTel Sky phone into text and sends it, along with a .WAV file, to the desired email address.
  • ShoreTel Sky Mobility - Enables the use of a single mobile device for both business and personal communications while accessing desk phone and Unified Communications capabilities.
  • ShoreTel Sky Fax - Provides an email-to-fax service that is used as a cloud-based fax solution for the ShoreTel Sky phone system.
  • ShoreTel Sky for Salesforce - Integrates users' ShoreTel Sky phones with the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application.

Personal Information

The Personal Information screen provides access to manage information related to a contact or user within the two tabs listed below. For more information, see our Personal Information article.
  • Contact tab - View and manage the following contact information:
    • ShoreTel Log In - Username, Last Log In, Password
    • Contact Information - Name, Title, Email, Personal Phone Numbers
    • Location
    • My Services (for Decision Makers and account-level Phone Managers only)
    • Add a feature (for Decision Makers and account-level Phone Managers only)
  • Roles and Permissions tab - Access the following role-based information:
    • ShoreTel Roles (for Decision Makers and account-level Phone Managers only) - Add, edit, and remove Authorized Contact roles for all users.
    • ShoreTel Permissions - View permissions for all users.

Add-on Features

As a user, at the bottom of the Home menu, you may have access to view and manage the following Add-on Feature if this feature has been activated for you by an Authorized Contact:
  • ShoreTel Sky Replay - View, play, and download call recordings, and export a list of call recordings to a spreadsheet. Note that some users may be enabled to also delete call recordings.


From the Support menu (shown in the image below), all customers who access the ShoreTel Sky Portal can click links to access information that supports our commitment to quality, integrity, knowledge, and open communication.
Support Menu in ShoreTel Sky Portal
The Support section of this article includes the following topics:


The Trust link opens where you can view system status, scheduled maintenance, a history of recent issues, support case metrics, and more. At ShoreTel, we publish our performance publicly, and in real-time, to signal our commitment to set the highest standards for both. For more information, see the Trust article.

Support Cases

The Support Cases link opens a "Sign In" screen where Authorized Contacts can enter the same credentials used to access the ShoreTel Sky Portal to access the Cases interface. If anyone in your organization experiences an issue with a ShoreTel Sky product, feature, or service, you can use this method to report a "case" to ShoreTel Sky Support. Cases can also be reported by users (non-Authorized Contacts) via email and phone. For more information, see the Support Cases andShoreTel Sky Support articles.

ShoreTel Ideas

The ShoreTel Ideas link opens the Product Discussions web page at this time. The actual ShoreTel Ideas interface is temporarily unavailable while technology improvements are being implemented. This interface previously served as a digital "suggestion box" that our customers used to discuss their wants and needs and to post suggestions for enhancements to our products, features, and services.
Until a new online suggestion box is available, please send your ideas via email to You can also create a Support Case to communicate your issues and needs to ShoreTel.

Knowledge Base

The Knowledgebase link opens the ShoreTel Support site at where you can access articles for all areas of ShoreTel. To access articles that document the products, features, and services available in the ShoreTel Sky phone system, select the "ShoreTel Sky (Cloud)" option in the By Category section of the ShoreTel Support site or use the following link:


The Training link opens a landing page where you can choose to view a training webinars article for either the ShoreTel Sky or ShoreTel Connect CLOUD phone system. To access information about training webinars for the ShoreTel Sky phone system, see the ShoreTel Sky Training Webinars article.

Help and Other Links

The area at the top of every screen in the ShoreTel Sky Portal provides a Help link and several other links, as shown in the image below.
links at top of screen


Every screen that is accessible in the ShoreTel Sky Portal provides a ? Help link in the top-left corner of the screen. Clicking a ? Help link opens the associated article that contains an overview and detailed instructions for using the features and settings available on that screen. The article opens in the ShoreTel Support site, which is available by accessing and selecting the Cloud (Sky) category or by going directly to The Cloud (Sky) category of the ShoreTel Support site provides access to all of the articles that document the products, features, and services available in the ShoreTel Sky phone system.

ShoreTel Ideas

See ShoreTel Ideas in the Support section above.

Phone Assistant

The Phone Assistant link enables downloading and running ShoreTel Sky Phone Assistant, which is a web-based portal that provides advanced phone control and call status monitoring. For more information, see our Phone Assistant article.


The Announcements link provides a way to easily view important announcement messages about features accessible in the ShoreTel Sky Portal (for a limited period of time). For more information, see our Announcements article.

Service Portal

The Service Portal link provides access to a legacy portal (replaced by the ShoreTel Sky Portal), which still serves a small number of ShoreTel Sky customers for use in managing their phone system. For more information, see our Service Portal article.

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